June 2-3, 2025
Did you go to Bible camp as a kid and wish you could have that experience again? Or maybe you didn’t have the opportunity to go to Bible camp but would like to have that experience! Here is your chance!
Elderversity camp is a special camp for those age 55 and older. At camp you will have the opportunity to participate in many different camp activities such as:
Devotions and Teaching Times
Pontoon ride
And much more!
Speaker: Pastor Jim Steen
Jim Steen grew up in the Sioux Falls and Valley Springs, SD area. After graduating from Augustana College in 1981 and Luther-Northwestern Seminary (now Luther Seminary) in 1987, he served congregations in Muscatine, George, and Cherokee, Iowa from 1987 to 2012, and congregations in Renner and Brandon, South Dakota from 2012 until today. Jim is married to Colleen, and they live in Sioux Falls, SD. They have two daughters and five grandchildren: Chelsey, her husband Michael, and their two daughters live in Denison, Iowa. Jessica, her husband Joseph, and their three children live at Newnan, Georgia. Besides his love for ministry in the Church, Jim loves riding his bicycle and motorcycle, playing tennis, playing golf, playing with his grandchildren, canoe trips into the Boundary Waters in northern Minnesota, and relaxing with friends over a cup of coffee.
During the Elderversity sessions this spring, we will be considering the “I am…” sayings of Jesus in the Gospel of John. During the first session, however, we will begin by considering the conversation Moses had with God, when God “introduced” Himself to Moses by telling Moses His name: “I Am.” Throughout the Gospel of John, Jesus identifies himself to his disciples and the rest of the people by telling them / us: “I am the Bread of Life”, “I am the Light of the World”, “I am the Door”, “I am the Good Shepherd”, “I am the Resurrection and the Life”, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life”, “I am the Vine”. In addition to these identifying titles that Jesus gives Himself, he also declares “I Am” at other times, such as when he is walking across the water toward his disciples, or meeting those who came to arrest him at the Garden of Gethsemane. Through our conversations and reading of the Word, the intention for us during this Elderversity time is to come away with a greater / deeper walk with our Lord Jesus Christ.

Registration Cost: $109
Commuter: $69
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