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The ministry at Ingham Okoboji would not be possible without the generous support of many faithful friends. We happily accept donations of all sizes. THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY! There are many ways to give:

Financial Gifts

You can give directly through our secure online form by clicking the
"Give Now" button above. You can give one time gifts or provide ongoing support by setting up recurring monthly gifts.

If you’d like to mail your donation in, please make checks payable to

“IOLBC” and send to:

1203 Inwan St
Milford, IA 51351

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Ingham Sports Court & Sun Shelter

After decades of use, the old asphalt playing court near the old Ingham dining hall is simply worn out. To serve campers in the future, we plan to build a 60’ x 80’ court that will support several different games such as basketball, volleyball, and pickleball. The construction of the court itself will cost approximately $50,000, with some added costs for goals, rec equipment and a possible fence. In addition, we plan to build a new shelter for campers near the beach.  We are excited about the future growth of our camp ministry at Ingham and we hope that you will prayerfully consider giving to this project.


Goal: $80,000

Sponsor a Camp Counselor

Time and time again we hear about the powerful way that God uses camp counselors at camp. They welcome campers, lead them through all of the activities, they watch to keep children safe, and help them to deeply consider the power of God's love and message of Christ in their lives. Though they may always be underpaid, we are making changes to try to offer camp counselors a little more stipend in thanks for their great work. We invite you to support a day, a week, or a whole summer of counselor pay. Click here to donate.

  • One packed day (about 22 hrs. on duty) of leading fun activities and worship:($54.55/day)

  • One week (5.5 very full days) of songs, Bible studies, Bonkers, and swimming: ($300)    (Sponsor a week with your gift at $25.00/month)

  • The whole summer (11 powerful weeks) of sharing Christ through nearly every hour of each day: ($3,300.00) (Sponsor a counselor for the summer with your gift of $275/month)

Camp Wish List

Do you wish to give to a specific need at camp, rather than making a general gift? Do you wish to give a gift-in-kind rather than a financial gift? Look no further. Here is an evolving list of needs we have at the camp, with estimated costs, to help you decide how to direct your gift. Please call the camp at 1-800-OKOBOJI with any further questions about giving in this way.

  • Adopt a Life Jacket ($25)
  • Gently Used Furniture
  • Mini Vans
  • A load of grain
  • Golf Carts for housekeeping use.
  • Rec. Equipment
  • Floor Cleaner
  • Copier Paper
  • Rain Umbrellas
  • Quality Tools
  • Leaf Rakes
  • Snow Sleds
  • Volunteers (Short and Long Term)
  • Adopt a Cabin (Give us a call to learn how you can give in this way)

You can help a child experience camp through the Ingham Okoboji campership program. Click the "Give Now" button above to give in this way. If you have any further questions give us a call at 1-800-OKOBOJI.

  • Camper to experience a full week of camp ($419)

  • Camper to experience a full day of camp ($69.83) 

Ways to give that don't cost you
Thrivent Choice

If you are a member of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, you have an added easy way to help support Ingham Okoboji Lutheran Bible Camps.

Thrivent Choice lets you recommend where some of Thrivent Financial’s charitable outreach funds go by directing Choice Dollars® .Eligible benefit members can designate Choice Dollars toward thousands of Lutheran organizations such as Ingham Okoboji. Potential designated Choice Dollars amounts that can be directed range from $25 to $500 for each eligible member. Please remember that your designations can no longer be automated. THEY MUST BE DESIGNATED BY INDIVIDUAL TRANSACTIONS.

If you are an eligible Thrivent Choice member, please consider designating Ingham Okoboji as the recipient of your Thrivent Choice Dollars. It’s easy and can be done two ways:


  1. Online at (Log in and then complete directions on page.)

  2. Call 1-800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) and say “Thrivent Choice.”

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