Besides our camp programs, there are many opportunities to visit the camp and take part in the fun. Join us for any or all of the following events to be refreshed spiritually, meet the staff, and raise funds and awareness for the mission of the camp.

IOLBC Special Events

Scandinavian Feast and Quilt Auction
Okoboji Lutheran Bible Camp
Quilt Auction weekend is full of exciting activities, connecting with friends, beautiful works of art, great food, and more!
Beginning with the Scandinavian Feast (uff-da!), and concluding with the excitement of bidding on quilts and other items, this wonderful weekend has something for everyone! More Info
Great food, wonderful fellowship, a a program put on by our summer counselors and staff... and did we mention the ice cream?!?
Join us for our Ice Cream Social and Pie Auction- held early in the summer, this is a wonderful way to support Camp and satisfy that sweet tooth! More Info

Golf Tournament
Okoboji View Golf Course
Join us "fore" some friendly fun and competition during the Golf Tournament! Hosted by Ingham Okoboji, this event takes place at Okoboji View Golf Course, where you will enjoy the beautiful landscape, fun with friends, and a little competiton, as well as a wonderful meal! Hole Sponsorships for businesses and families are available, as well! More Info

Glacial Golf
Okoboji Lutheran
Bible Camp Lake
We are joining in with the Winter Games Festivities! Glacial golf will give you a chance to try out your mini golf skills on the frozen lake with s'mores and hot chocolate by the campfire to keep you warm. Also try out your broom ball skills on our broom ball court. If you are in the area, we hope you'll stop by and say hello! More Info

5K Fun Run
Okoboji Lutheran Bible Camp
A great way to finish off the summer and celebrate a wonderful Summer Camp Season, the Hog Roast is hosted at Ingham Lake Bible Camp. Time for fellowship, fun, and of course, lots of great food, the Hog Roast includes a Pie Auction to complete a great meal that also supports the ministry of Camp! More Info

Hog Roast
Ingham Lake Bible Camp
Held during Quilt Auction weekend, the 5K Fun Run is a great way to take in the beauty of God's creation, stretch your legs, and enjoy some friendly competition! The lovely course around the neighborhood of Okoboji Lutheran Bible Camp includes plenty of views of the lake! More Info