Junior Counselors
Change the World!
Join our 2025 Summer Staff as a Junior Counselor!
Thank you for your interest in serving with Ingham Okoboji and our Junior Counselor Program. Serving as a Junior Counselor is a great way to develop a solid faith foundation, build some lifelong friendships, and gain some great leadership skills. It's a chance to learn how to live in a community setting similar to what you would experience at college, but with a Christ-centered, encouraging focus. You can expect a summer at camp to be full of hard work and one of the most rewarding experiences you will ever have.
Our 2025 Summer theme will be determined this fall, and will be shared here when it is finalized. Below are some helpful things to know about the Junior Counselor (JC) position.
Junior counselors are responsible for assisting Senior Counselors in leading a small group of campers through all daily activities of camp life including worship, Bible Studies, evening devotions, games, hikes, dish crew, etc. Junior counselors are expected to spend time with the kids and families, provide constant supervision to the small group, ensure safety, and create a welcoming community for all.
JC’s are not expected to assume the role of a Senior Counselor with the responsibility of teaching and disciplining, however JC’s are expected to be good role models by being appropriate in all things at all times.
JC’s will also serve in support staff roles for some weeks, either on maintenance, kitchen or housekeeping. JC’s work together with Sr. Staff as they rotate in these support positions as well. During support weeks, all staff are still expected to be supportive in and involved with the program each evening.
NEW HIGHER SALARIES!! JC’s will earn $1500 or more for the summer ($150/week), plus free room and board. If staffing levels allow, JC’s are also invited to attend one of our Sr. High Camp weeks at Ingham or Okoboji at no cost ($420 value), and all staff receive significant discounts if their family members attend youth or family camps.
It is the camp policy that Junior Counselors must have completed their junior or senior year of High School before joining our camp staff. JC’s are directly responsible to the JC Coordinator.
The JC program has been an important part of the ministry at the camps for a long time. The purpose, beyond the help at the camp, is to help prepare young leaders for life ahead. Many young people have come to serve on staff, learned skills, and gone home to lead due to the confidence they were able to build here.
Applications may be submitted as soon as they are completed. Once an application is received, you will be contacted by a camp staff person to inquire further about the position and/or set up an interview time. If you apply online, you will be given an automatic link to schedule your own interview. Our goal is to have all interviews completed by April 1, but applications will be accepted after that if positions are still available.
JC’s arrive at the Okoboji site on Saturday, May 31 (unless arranged in advance otherwise) and are invited to stay until the end of the summer, which is August 11. If it works, we would also like to invite JC’s to the first full week of training (beginning May 24) for Senior Staff. Though not required, it is an opportunity to build relationships, learn counseling skills, and grow spiritually.
Our hope is that JC’s would participate in training and serve the rest of the 9 weeks of the summer, however we would like to be as flexible with your schedule as possible. Any weeks you know you may need to be gone for family reunions, vacations, special events, sports camps, etc. would be helpful to know when applying.
There are two ways to apply.
(PREFERRED) Click on the Online Application button below to begin filling out the application online. (Please allow 30 minutes with reliable internet access. A computer is easier for typing out short answers and navigating the forms.)
Click the Junior Counselor Application Packet button to download a PDF document version of the application. Please print it out and send it in.
**We are often unable to hire all of the people that apply. To be fair to you, we will send contracts or letters as soon as possible. Please keep the hiring process in your prayers.
Printed applications should be completed and sent to:
Ingham Okoboji
Summer Staff
1203 Inwan Street
Milford, IA 51351
Please continue with either the online application or downloading the form. (PDF Version Coming Soon)