Leadership and Returning Staff
Change the World, One Life at a Time!
Join our 2025 Summer Staff!
Greetings from camp! Whether you are striving for excellence at school or working hard at your current job, we hope you are seeking the Lord in your life. Wherever you are at this time in life, please know that your work here in the past continues to make a difference in the lives of the campers that came through the gates of the camp! Thanks! We appreciate you!
It is that time of year again when preparations are being made to hire the staff for the upcoming summer ministries. It’s always amazing how fast time goes by. As you know it is our goal to have a Christ centered staff committed to the Lord’s service. 2025 is the 100th anniversary year of ministry at IOLBC. We are thankful for the time that you have spent with us, and we hope that you will prayerfully consider another summer serving the Lord at Ingham Okoboji.
Our 2025 Summer theme will be determined this fall, and will be announced here when it is finalized.
We also want to remind everyone that we always need lifeguards. You can be certified FREE if you come to lifeguard training May 19-24, the week before staff training. (The costs for the week of lifeguard training are paid for by the camp). Lifeguards also receive a $25 per week bonus for each week you work during the summer. Please consider it and sign up!
Every returning staff member has to apply. Applications will be acted upon as they are received, so the earlier you complete the application, the earlier we can process the application. There are two ways to apply.
(Preferred) Click on the Online Application button below to begin filling out the application. (Please allow 30 minutes with reliable internet access. Using a computer is recommended to navigate the forms and type responses to short answer questions.)
Click the Returning/Leadership Staff Application Packet button to download a PDF of the application. Please print it out and send it in.
This returning staff application is also the application for leadership positions. I encourage every person interested in serving in a leadership position to apply. Knowing that there are a limited number of leadership positions, we pray a lot that God would put the right people in leadership, support, and counselor roles to form the team that would serve Him most fully. Returning counselor apps can be received anytime, however applications for leadership positions must be received by Sunday, December 1, 2024.
NEW HIGHER SALARIES!! First year Senior Counselors will earn $3300 for the summer ($300/week). Returning Senior Staff members will earn $3,575 ($325/week). Staff are hired for 11 weeks, beginning with staff training on May 24, and ending on August 10. Day Camp Leaders and Program Directors earn $4,200 ($350/week) and are hired for 12 weeks. Leadership training begins May 19.
If you have any questions please give me a call or e-mail me at dan@okoboji.org Please be in prayer with us about where God will lead you this summer. We will be trusting in His guidance as well. Continue with either the online application or downloading the application packet.
In His Service,
Dan Antoine
Director of Programs
Ingham Okoboji Lutheran Bible Camps
712-337-3306 (ext. 119)
(PDF Version Coming Soon)