Senior Staff Applications
Change the World!
Join our 2025 Summer Team as a Senior Staff Member!
Preparations are being made to hire the summer staff for this upcoming summer’s ministry. If you are interested in applying to be a part of this ministry team, we are interested in your application. Serving as a Senior Counselor is a great way to develop a solid faith foundation, build some lifelong friendships, and gain some great leadership skills. It's a chance to build relationships with youth and families while showing them the love of Christ and sharing with them the gospel message.
Serving as a Senior Support Staff member (i.e. maintenance, office, kitchen, etc.) is a special way to serve others, learn new skills, and gain valuable experience while showing the love and hospitality of Christ to our guests.
Our 2025 Summer theme will be decided in the fall. Check back here when it is finalized.
Got Questions? We've got answers:
How do I apply? We’re delighted in your interest to work at our camps this summer. There are two ways to apply.
Click on the Online Application button below to begin filling out the application. (Please allow 30 minutes with reliable internet access. Using a computer is recommended for navigating the forms and typing short answers.)
Click the Senior Staff Application Packet button to download a PDF document version of the application. Please print it out and send it in.
**No application is complete without the Application form, References, and Interview with camp staff. It is our goal to do all of the interviewing we need by the end of March, but we are often still looking for some staff after that point. So please apply regardless or contact us.
Is this Ingham or Okoboji? We have two camping sites- Ingham Lake near Wallingford, IA and Okoboji on West Lake Okoboji. Although we have one united staff, each staff member is assigned a primary site for the summer so you will need to indicate your preference (if any) on the application form. Keep scrolling down to find more information on each site. We try to honor preferences and requests when possible, but we reserve the right to place counselors where they are most needed throughout the summer. Your flexibility, as far as sites is concerned, will be a plus when it comes to being offered a contract.
What are Day Camps? In addition to offering camp at our two locations, we also send out teams of counselors each week to do Day Camps, which are like a week of Vacation Bible School, to churches around the region. Led by one of our trained Day Camp Leaders, it’s a great opportunity to minister to these communities, get to know a smaller number of staff really well, and usually taste some good home cooking at the host homes. Day Camps are an incredibly important part of our ministry, as we serve more kids at Day Camps than any other program offered at camp throughout the year! Counselor staff may rotate onto 3-5 weeks of Day Camp throughout this summer.
What are the starting and ending dates? What is the Salary? As a senior staff member, you would arrive for staff training on Saturday, May 24. Staff serve for 11 weeks ending on August 10 (2 weeks of staff training and 9 weeks of camp). One week of training will be joint training with Riverside Lutheran Bible Camp. Senior staff earn a NEW INCREASED SALARY of $3,300 for the summer ($300/week) plus room and board (very few living expenses). Lifeguard bonuses, returning staff raises, and opportunities to work before and after summer also increase earning potential.
Is camp flexible if I need time off? In short, YES! We do hope our staff will be able to work for most or all of our weeks of the summer. However, if you know you need time off, please make that known to the Director of Programs during the application and interview process.
Can I get Lifeguard certified? ABSOLUTELY! We offer Free Lifeguard Training the week before staff training. We are always in need of lifeguards and would encourage anyone interested to become certified. Lifeguards still work in their respective staff role, but lifeguard during free time and activities as needed. The dates for our training are May 19-24, 2025. If this date does not work for you but you can be certified on your own, please do it! We always need lifeguards! Lifeguards also receive a $25 per week bonus (an extra $275 for the summer) for each week you work during the summer. (The costs for the week of lifeguard training are paid for by the camp).
Can I apply for an internship? ABSOLUTELY! Numerous staff in various roles have turned their paid staff position into an internship for school credit or work experience hours. Please indicate your proposal or desire in the application.
*You should understand that the position for which you are applying is considered at-will, which means that either you or the company can terminate employment for any reason or no reason at any time. Keep in mind that we seek to hire the most qualified candidates and are not able to hire all applicants, so please be in prayer with us about where God will lead you this summer. We will be trusting in God’s guidance as well.
Be sure to indicate any special skills or interests you have that are helpful for us as we consider your application. Thank you for your interest!
(PDF Version Coming Soon)
Two Sites—One Common Mission!
Below you will find a more detailed description of each site and the unique ministry opportunities at each camp. While each of the two sites are different in atmosphere and activity—they all have one common goal and mission:
To know Jesus Christ and to make Christ known to all.
Ingham Lake Bible Camp
Ingham is just south of Estherville, IA, located on Ingham Lake. This beautiful camp, set into the woods and surrounded by Ingham’s peaceful waterfront, creates a a perfect setting for kids and staff, with our biggest week being around 130 kids. The staff size is about 15, and campers range in age from Kindergarten to Senior High. Housing is in our recently renovated sleeping cabins with a short trip to a modern shower house. Boating on the lake, outdoor opportunities, and a small pool for afternoon fun are just a few of the treasures Ingham has to offer. Ingham staff members really appreciate the bonding that happens with the smaller staff as well as the serenity of the setting. Ingham staff will also receive training in camping, canoeing, and other outdoor skills in preparation for the summer.
What can I look forward to as a counselor? At Ingham, you will spend at least 3 weeks onsite with campers, a week on support staff at Ingham (maintenance / kitchen), 2 to 4 weeks on Day Camp and possibly a week at Okoboji (doing family camp, youth camp, or on support staff).

Okoboji Lutheran Bible Camp
The Okoboji site is located on West Lake Okoboji and is in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the Lake’s summer activity. With 11 acres tucked away in the middle of a summer resort town, campers and staff enjoy camp housing much like that of a retreat center/resort. A full week of campers would likely reach 150 youth—or 30 families. The staff size is around 50 people. There are 2 weeks of Junior High, 1 week of Senior High and 6 weeks of family camp. Past staffers on the Okoboji site love the activity of this summer hotspot and the opportunity to share with families. Counselors have the opportunity to minister to people of all ages and swim in one of the world’s only blue lakes!
What can I look forward to as a counselor? During your summer at Okoboji, you can expect to be a Family Camp Counselor for 3 to 4 weeks, a week on support staff (maintenance / kitchen), on Day Camp for 2 to 4 weeks, and a Youth Counselor for 1-2 weeks. During Jr. High weeks, you may also have a Jr. Counselor, who will support you in counseling during the week. Okoboji counselors may also have the opportunity to counsel at the Ingham site, which hosts mainly younger campers.
To view full job descriptions of senior counselors and other support roles, simply go back to the Apply page or click here. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions.
In His Service,
Dan Antoine
712-337-3306 (ext. 119)